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Zurich Kidney Center


Research Themes at the Zurich Kidney Center (ZKC)

The research activity of the ZKC encompasses all major aspects of kidney physiology and nephrology.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Fibrosis: Stellor Nlandu Khodo,  Christian Stockmann, Carsten Wagner, Soline Bourgeois, Isabel Rubio Aliaga

Dialysis: Patrice Ambühl, Isabelle Binet, Marco Bonani, Stephan Segerer

Epidemiology: Valerie Luyckx

Genetics and Kidney Development: Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu, Soeren Lienkamp,Olivier Devuyst, Alessandro Luciani

Glomerular Diseases: Britta George, Harald Seeger, Andreas Kistler

Kidney Stones: Nilufar Mohebbi, Alexander Ritter, Daniel Eberli

Pathology: Ariana Gaspert, Birgit Helmchen

Oxygenation and Anemia: Vartan Kurtcuoglu, Roland Wenger

Pediatric Nephrology:

Transplantation: Isabelle Binet, Thomas Müller, Thomas Fehr, Thomas Schachtner,Kerstin Hübel, José Oberholzer

Tubular Physiology and Diseases: Olivier Devuyst, Andrew Hall, Johannes Loffing, David Penton Ribas, Carsten Wagner, Nilufar Mohebbi, Alessandro Luciani, Isabel Rubio Aliaga

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): Andrew Hall

Hypertension: Felix Beuschlein, David Penton Ribas, Johannes Loffing

Veterinary Kidney Disease: Thomas Lutz