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The research activity of the ZKC encompasses all major aspects of kidney physiology and nephrology.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Fibrosis: Stellor Nlandu Khodo, Christian Stockmann, Carsten Wagner, Soline Bourgeois, Isabel Rubio Aliaga
Dialysis: Patrice Ambühl, Isabelle Binet, Marco Bonani, Stephan Segerer
Epidemiology: Valerie Luyckx
Genetics and Kidney Development: Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu, Soeren Lienkamp,Olivier Devuyst, Alessandro Luciani
Glomerular Diseases: Britta George, Harald Seeger, Andreas Kistler
Kidney Stones: Nilufar Mohebbi, Alexander Ritter, Daniel Eberli
Pathology: Ariana Gaspert, Birgit Helmchen
Oxygenation and Anemia: Vartan Kurtcuoglu, Roland Wenger
Pediatric Nephrology:
Transplantation: Isabelle Binet, Thomas Müller, Thomas Fehr, Thomas Schachtner,Kerstin Hübel, José Oberholzer
Tubular Physiology and Diseases: Olivier Devuyst, Andrew Hall, Johannes Loffing, David Penton Ribas, Carsten Wagner, Nilufar Mohebbi, Alessandro Luciani, Isabel Rubio Aliaga
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): Andrew Hall
Hypertension: Felix Beuschlein, David Penton Ribas, Johannes Loffing
Veterinary Kidney Disease: Thomas Lutz