Patrice Ambühl, Prof. Dr. med.
- Director of the Departement Medical Institutes
- Senior Physician Institute for Nephrology
- City Hospital Waid
Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu, Prof. Dr. med.
- Institute of Medical Genetics
- Head of the Genetics and Molecular pathogenesis of Ciliopathies Group
- University of Zurich
Felix Beuschlein, Prof. Dr. med.
- Director of the Clinic of Endocrinology Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition
- Co-Director Centre for Rare Diseases
- University Hospital Zurich
Isabelle Binet, Dr. med.
- Senior physician
- Director of the clinic for Nephrology and Transplantation Medicine
- Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen
Marco Bonani, PD Dr. med.
- Senior Physician Clinic of Nephrology
- University Hospital Zurich
Soline Bourgeois, PD Dr.
- Member of the Kidney and Acid-base Physiology Group
- University of Zurich
Olivier Devuyst, Prof. MD
- Institute of Physiology
- Head of the Mechanisms of inherited Kidney Disorders Group
- University of Zurich
Daniel Eberli, Prof. Dr. Dr. med.
- Senior Physician
- Director of Department Clinic for Urology
- University Hospital Zurich
- Senior Physician Clinic for Urology Hospital Wetzikon
Thomas Fehr, Prof. Dr. med.
- Senior Physician and Medical Director of the Clinic
- Director of the Department for Internal Medicine
- Member of the Executive Board
- Cantonal Hospital Graubünden
Ariana Gaspert, Dr. med.
- Attending Physician of the Institute for Pathology and Molecular Pathology
- University Hospital Zurich
Britta George, Prof. Dr. med.
- Director of the Department of Nephrology
- University Hospital Zurich
Andrew Hall, Prof. Dr. med.
- Institute of Anatomy
- Head of the Structural and Functional Imaging of the Kidney Group
- University of Zurich
Wesley Hayes
- Director of Nephrology
- Children's Hospital Zurich
Brigit Helmchen , Dr. med.
- Attending Physician of the Institute for Pathology and Molecular Pathology
- University Hospital Zurich
Andreas Kistler, PD Dr. med.
- Director of Internal Medicine
- Cantonal Hospital Thurgau/Frauenfeld
Vartan Kurtcuoglu , Prof. PhD
- Institute of Physiology
- Head of the Interface Group
- University of Zurich
Soeren Lienkamp, Prof. Dr.
- Institute of Anatomy
- Head of the Renal Development and Reprogramming Group
- University of Zurich
Johannes Loffing, Prof. Dr. med.
- Institute of Anatomy
- Head of the Epithelial Biology - Kidney and Hypertension Group
- University of Zurich
Alessandro Luciani, PhD
- Institute of Physiology
- Member of the Mechanisms of inherited kidney disorders Group
- University of Zurich
Thomas Lutz, Prof. Dr.
- Vetsuisse Faculty
- University of Zurich
Valerie Luyckx, Prof. Dr. med
- Research Assistant Scientific Staff
- Department of Public and Global Health University of Zurich
- Associate Scientist Renal Division
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital/ Harvard Medical School
Nilufar Mohebbi , Prof. Dr. med.
- Attending Physician for General Internal Medicine and Nephrology
- Praxis- und Dialysezentrum Zürich-City
Thomas Müller, Prof. Dr. med.
- Interim Medical Director of the Clinic for Nephrology
- Medical Director of the Renal Transplant Program
- Co-Director of the Transplant Institute
- University Hospital Zurich
Stellor Nlandu Khodo, PhD
- Institute of Physiology
- Senior teaching and research assistant of the Cellular Oxygen Physiology Group
- Head Ambizione Group
- University of Zurich
José Oberholzer, Prof. Dr. med.
- Senior Physician at the Department of Visceral Surgery and Transplantation
- Chairman of the Department Department of Visceral Surgery and Transplantation
- University Hospital Zurich
David Penton Ribas, Dr.
- Head of the Electrophysiology Facility
- University of Zurich
Isabel Rubio Aliaga, PD Dr.
- Member of the Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology
- University of Zurich
Thomas Schachtner, Prof. Dr. med.
- Senior Attending Physician Department of Nephrology
- University Hospital Zurich
Harald Seeger, PD Dr. med.
- Deputy Medical Director Clinic of Nephrology
- Senior Physician Nephrology
- University Hospital Zurich
Stephan Segerer, PD Dr. med, EMBA UZH
- Director of Nephrology
- Cantonal Hospital Aarau
Giuseppina Spartà, PD Dr. med.
- Director of Nephrology
- Children's Hospital Zurich
Christian Stockmann, Prof. Dr. med.
- Institute of Anatomy
- Head of the Immunity Angiogenesis and Tissue Remodeling Group
- University of Zurich
Carsten Wagner, Prof. Dr. med.
- Institute of Physiology
- Head of the Kidney and Acid-base Physiology Group
- University of Zurich
Roland H. Wenger, Prof. PhD
- Institute of Physiology
- Head of the Cellular Oxygen Physiology Group
- University of Zurich